What is Habitat for Humanity of Missoula doing?
- Seeking land to build on
- Partnering with eligible families
- Building or renovating houses
- Providing simple, decent, affordable homes for families living in substandard housing
- Selling houses at cost with no interest or profit
- Making houses affordable
- Educating the community about poverty housing and the Habitat solution
How is Habitat financed?
- Donations from individuals, clubs, churches, businesses, and agencies
- Grants from private foundations
- In-kind donations from local and national companies
- House payments recycled to build more homes
How are families selected for a home?
Families are selected after a lengthy, detailed, nondiscriminatory process which includes applications, interviews, and home visits. Final selections are made based upon: (We are an equal housing lender)
- Need
- Ability to repay a mortgage
- Willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity of Missoula
- Residency or work in Missoula County for one year
How does Missoula benefit from Habitat?
- People have clean, decent, safe, and affordable homes.
- Property is added to the tax base.
- The appearance and value of the community is improved.
- Money is spent locally on materials.
- Volunteers gain valuable experience and learn new skills.
- Families have a new sense of worth.
- Donating individuals and businesses have an opportunity to fund affordable housing issue.