About Us
Our Mission
We build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter. Since our founding in 1991, Habitat for Humanity of Missoula has built affordable housing in communities throughout the city. We believe that everyone deserves a stable way of living and an affordable place to call home. We build community by providing working families the opportunity to purchase a home so they can find stability and build a safe and secure foundation for their future. We believe housing is a human right and we dedicate ourselves to build more, serve more, and be the change our community needs.
Our Vision
Missoula is in a housing crisis. Everyone knows it and everyone feels it. Affordable homeownership helps to alleviate the cost burden of housing and raises the educational achievement of children, improves health, encourages greater civic engagement and generates significant economic activity. Habitat for Humanity of Missoula works with families earning 40%-80% of Area Median Income who would not otherwise be able to afford a home. We partner with families in need and help them build affordable homes for themselves and their families at no interest and no profit. Habitat for Humanity doesn’t offer handouts; we offer a hand-up to our neighbors. We are constantly seeking out an more equitable Missoula where all families have access to the transformational power of homeownership and every member of our community has housing that meets their needs.
Our 501c3 Tax Id Number is: 81-0467791